Vectorman VS Fredrickson (Tourny continued)
Okay, you were busy during that last week of the tournament. This is truly dissapointing, but we can all understand, because its hard to justify to people in real life spending hours and hours on maya. Especially when we have important things to do!
But that does not matter, for although bjorn thought he had escaped the clutches of vectorman, when M posted that the tourny could not be postponed, he had not! For Vector had posted a new thread in the battle arena........
Model a Bathroom. Public or private, big or small. One built for Bill Gates, or one built for a $100 per month studio apartment in downtown New York.
Type - All (polys, subds, nurbs)
Textures - Yes
Time limit - ONE WEEK
Must show progress shots and wireframes.
"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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