I will now proceed to tear apart you're image, don't mind me.
1) It looks as if this part of the stairs needs to be supported, or it might fall over.
2) This railing appears too red. A few was to make it more beleiveable would be to make it rusty, dirty, or just a little less saturated in colour.
3) It looks to me as if the ralrod tracks are perfecctly clean on top. I've never seen a perfectly clean railroad track ever, also the part of the waiting platform looks dirty (and only minorly) in just a few small areas.
4) I would make the whole waiting platform a little darker, for it appears a little to white fore my tastes, and i DEFINATELY think it should not be reflective, as it clearly is.
5) These rocks look severly painted, i can tell you why, but i'm not sure the best way to fix it: The colour of the rocks does vary, but not as it should, the colour should be random rock to rock, instead there are PATCHES of dark, and light as if they were painted that way. A similar thing going on with the dirt, but its not as bad.
Just trying to help, if you disagree in any area, just ignore me. BTW I only take lots of time on crits, where i can see someone has put alot of work into a project. And if i had put that much work into it, i would appreciate the same amount of thought on you're part, on my own work. Thanx and keep it up.
"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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