Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 25-09-2003 , 10:11 PM
Scraggy_Dogg's Avatar
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Noob .avi file size reduce...

I have just created the "Rocket" project from a book tutorial...
Maybe some of u know which one...Savvy..?
Anyway, I noticed that when I tried rendering in .avi - then the speed was all wrong and that it played in 'Full screen' not in the 320x240 that I rendered it in.

I'm wondering? 1./ If there is any way to make the speed (was too slow) work OK for .avi (from my original render)
If not, then what do I have to set in Render Globals for .AVI ?
2./ Also is there a way I can 'tell' The player (WMP) to play in a small window somehow?
3./ And can I compress my file any better than .avi/zip ? Do you need to spend a lot of money to get it compressed into Divx?

Regards Scraggy

# 2 25-09-2003 , 10:36 PM
Emo's Avatar
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I suggest not to render straight out to .avi from maya.. as you saw what happened to it user added image

Render the scene out in still images and then import them into After Effects and make a movie outta that...


# 3 26-09-2003 , 12:14 AM
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Okay.... Thanks... BTW - The "Speed Issue" [Playing too slow in .avi] Got better the more times it was played?? HuH? (Twilight Zone or what?)

So OK I gotta learn another program now.......OK

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# 4 26-09-2003 , 01:29 AM
ragecgi's Avatar
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Sounds to me that your machine was "caching" the data as it was played, so it "appeared" faster the more it was played.

Was the AVI that you made rendered uncompressed?

If so, that might explain the slow/choppy framerate.

...just wonderinguser added image

Israel "Izzy" Long
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# 5 26-09-2003 , 09:28 AM
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Yes I just played it in WMPlayer right after rendering it, so it wasn't compressed if that's what you mean.

I was speaking to a friend last night on MSN and he gave me a link to a site that had some sort of (free) DivX software on, but it was getting late and I had to go. I will check it out later (hopefully I had the log switched on)...
I will indeed have a play around with After Effects then try that DivX compression as the file is 20Mb in .avi ....

Is it possible to specify the playback screen size so that it plays in a smaller window by default?

# 6 28-09-2003 , 09:50 PM
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I got a XviD thingy, anyone know what I'm supposed to render to (.avi tiff iff ?) so I can start playing with it?

# 7 04-10-2003 , 01:44 PM
Chris_H's Avatar
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Xvid will render to .avi format.
provides nice image quality after compression, the codec isn't
as widly used as divx though.

# 8 13-01-2004 , 02:38 PM
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What file type should I use?

I have come back to this thread because I'm having problems rendering Animations again...
So if I render out my Animation out as still images. - What file type do you suggest. ???
I have After Effects now and am going to try doing something simple just to see if I can get it to work...

Regards Scraggy

# 9 13-01-2004 , 03:10 PM
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I usually use .tga files with no problems. Probably shouldn't use .iff, as not all programs have support for it.

# 10 13-01-2004 , 08:58 PM
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Cheers Mike....

# 11 21-01-2004 , 11:13 AM
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Hi Scraggy,

you can also use VirtualDub, and then render your images out in bmp, and in VirtualDub use it as an bmp imagesequence file, and make an compressed avi out of it... e.g. by using the DivX, Xvid or some other codecs... user added image



Alex V. U. Strarup

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# 12 21-01-2004 , 07:19 PM
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Thanks Strarup, I will have a look on the net now for that "VirtualDub" see if I can get a demo or something.
I did manage to get my animation working in AEffects but couldn't work out how to apply 'effects' to it - I think I may have to create a new layer or something, not had too much time on Maya since before Christmas - am hoping to get more time soon...

But VirtualDub sounds great for rendering it out as is.. will go look now.

Regards Scraggy

# 13 21-01-2004 , 08:28 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Denmark
Posts: 338
Hi Scraggy,

VirtualDub is freeware... and can be downloaded here... -->

e.g. this tutorial on how to use VirtualDub to compress it with DivX... -->

some other information...

just make sure your rendered images from Maya, is in bmp format, and that they have cronolygical numbers...

e.g. file001.bmp file002.bmp .... file999.bmp, and then when you want to open it in VirtualDub use "DIB Imagesequence .bmp" and click on file001.bmp, and then VirtualDub will load all the images as a movie/film... which you then can compress... VirtualDub can also add sound to the movie...

I don't know which soundeditor program you use, but I can suggest you this fine freeware program... "Audacity"... -->

if you e.g. want other format's than avi, you can e.g. get this "MPEG-2 Upgrade for VirtualDub" here... -->

I have heard VirtualDub also should support, Targa, but if is's true I don't know... I can't see it in selected file options... It can maybe be one of those modifications of virtualdub which exist out there on the net... user added image



Alex V. U. Strarup

One mistake can ruin it all...
# 14 22-01-2004 , 12:05 AM
Elemenopee's Avatar
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the HuffyYUV codec is one of my favorites to use. it is a lossless compression you don't lose any quality ala uncompressed...but you also gain decent compressions with it. Which you then go into VDub and render out using divx or xvid whtaever

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# 15 24-01-2004 , 12:37 AM
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Posts: 159
Thanks a lot guys,
I have some free time coming up....(5 Whole days/Nights!) to have a play around with this stuff - I already have VirtualDub and have tried it - user added image I was really happy to read that some people had been making filters! for it - I will search as soon as I have time. - Even though I have access to Premiere and After Effects - I'm still going to check it all out thanks to your posts...

Thanks Guys....

Regards Scraggy

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