Grouping Polys, Skeltons, and IK's
I have a crab leg I need to duplicate and rotate a little to make the 6 leggs of a Blue Crab. I have the one leg finished, with it's skeleton, and an IK handle to make the leg bend (I have the skeleton in a Rigid Bind to the polygons.). The only problem I have is that I cannot seem to get everyone to behave when I rotate.
I put all 3 of the pieces (polys, skeleton, and IK) in an empty group, but when I try to rotate the group, the polygon leg rotates like 2X faster than the skeleton and it's IK handle.
Anyone have a remedy for this? I would really like to have my skeleton and such to move with my legs to make animation easy. I can attach screenshots later if needed to clarify my point.
"The first rule in government spending: 'Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?'" - From the movie 'Contact'.