Invalid question in SM Quiz
Which of these is NOT a component of a NURBS object?
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Correct Answer: Vertex
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Trick Question???
the 3 responses are are all part of a nurbs object. CV's or 'control vertices' are a type of vertex. I know maya may explain it differantly and i dont mean to be anal about this. But, a Non Uniformal Rational B Spline consist of a variable number of vertices to plot a curve. By definition CV's are a type of vertex, though maya has named this strictly to polygon, and 'CV' to nurbs.
hehe i guess i just want a better score LOL..
Oh dear, i've just crossed the line to my anus..
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And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning,
E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
--TOOL, 10,000 Days---