Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 08-12-2003 , 05:26 PM
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Hair problems


so far, I've always made things the wrong and the hard way for the first time and afterwards found out that there is shortcut...

Hair was problem, and patiently I made this with paint effects. I made few curves on the head, and many control curves. Still, I have some bold parts of head, that could be seen only by looking from special angle user added image) . Adding more paint effects would extent time for rendering, and I decided to stop making it better, and to start over.

Now I'm thinking of different approach. But I have no ideas....

Therefore, HELP!!! How do you make hair???


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# 2 08-12-2003 , 05:29 PM
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few nicley placed nurbs patches in the same shape would help add a lot to the hair and get ride of some of the bald spots.

Just use a tranparency map when using the nurbs patches.

Nice model

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# 3 08-12-2003 , 05:52 PM
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If I want to fill in the bold spaces I could also make more curves and attach paint to them, as I did for others... But, than I'm going to have even more paint curves... For now, these curves with paint on them have enough patches... Problem is I don't have enough curves.

Is there some kind of solution, like "you should make hair like this". Or, at least, "start with this" ...


# 4 08-12-2003 , 09:51 PM
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could we see a close up ? of the wire so we can see the CV curves ?
Also with out the hat. would be nice.

What Kurt was talking about could help fix the problem your having. Also you can do hair only witht he rubs patches as a replacemnt for the PFX hair.

The only other option is it looks like for you would be polygon tubes.. and there a big mess, Don't think thats the direction you want to go..

# 5 10-12-2003 , 11:21 AM
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Maybe, “rubs patches as a replacement for the PFX hair” is a solution to my problem but I don’t know how to implement that! Can you be more specific?

Close up of curves with paint on them...

Sourly, now you think what a mess…

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# 6 10-12-2003 , 11:42 AM
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As for modeled hair, here is another model where I tried that. (This is second attempt to make better self-portrait ) . Those are nurbs cones... I even made them into soft body and gave them turbulence, making some kind of Medusa look user added image

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# 7 10-12-2003 , 11:59 AM
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Thanks for the wire. I don't see anything in that, that would cause a problem. So your current thinking on how to make it better should work.

Warning, I have not tested PFX and nurbs strips side buy side for render time.

I know you would like to try a better way. for the render time.
Unfortunately Hair is a very render intensive. With PFX its slow.. with geometry for each strand its even slower.. I don't know what the render times are on the rurbs stripses, with transparency map. But I can imagine they are much lower.. test it first though..

If you would like to try the patches way on the hair its pretty simple but tedious. You can use nurbs or polys.. although many stick to nurbs if there going to be doing animation. They link the CV's to particle affects to control the movements.. BUT basically the idea is to make a good number of strips out of rurbs. place them around your head. Sort of like really broad, flat hair.. or paper hair. Thin you texture them with strands of hair on the color channel, and add a mask on the transparency channel so that you only see the hair textures and not any background from the geo of the nurbs strip.

Its more work really than PFX, but it would seem to me that it renders faster.. Keep the nurbs tessellation as low as you can get it and have a good look. And it dose look better most of the time.. it looks better because PFX and fur do not respond to light worth a dime. The texture on the nurbs strips is as responsive as the rest of your model to rendering tech.

remember though special angles where you see the bald spots on your model currently. well with out careful placement there are angles you could get to where you don't see the hair strips very well either.. if your looking at the strips from the side of the strip, you will not see the hair.

Hope I'm not blabbering away uselessly hear..

# 8 10-12-2003 , 12:03 PM
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The nurbs strips are a lot like the nurbs cones you did. They just lay flatter or like alone the control curves you did for the pfx. only with a color and transparency texture so that it has the look of real hair.

You could use what you have there with a the textures to get a idea on the render time.

# 9 11-12-2003 , 06:17 PM
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Thanks Pony,

I'll try that.

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