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Search: Posts Made By: 1001 Jedi Nights
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 03-04-2004 | Views: 5,688 Replies: 3
Thanks for your reply.

I went into the camera attribute editor, and it does say it's renderable. (camera1) I also fiddled around with some settings in there, to no avail.

When it renders, it...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 02-04-2004 | Views: 5,688 Replies: 3
Hey guys! In the past I've had good luck with getting help around here so I'll throw another one at you. :)

I have a scene that uses a rather large scale. I generally try to keep my scale small...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 12-11-2003 | Views: 2,999 Replies: 13
uh, someone's been busy?

This looks really good, what's your animation about?

Still needs work, yes, but looks good nonetheless. If you want some crit I would say the buildings somehow look as...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 09-11-2003 | Views: 19,841 Replies: 111
I think it has too much light, that is the only advice I would give.

Sorry about that last post, it was midnight last night when I posted it. I shouldn't be online at that time of night... (I'm...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 09-11-2003 | Views: 19,841 Replies: 111
Rock formations? I thought that was an early version of what will become a waterfall. (based on texturing)

And you're using bryce for the environment... is this screenshot edited in photoshop or...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 05-11-2003 | Views: 19,841 Replies: 111
MUCH better!

Now take a quick look at those horns. Green horns? hmm...

Anyway, good luck with the landscape. I can see you are improving at a nice rate, this is good! :)
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 29-10-2003 | Views: 19,841 Replies: 111
Okay, that does look better.

1. It looks like you have a bump map on there (or it could be part of the texture itself) but the bumps are evenly distributed. Too "tiled"

2. he still sort of...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 27-10-2003 | Views: 19,841 Replies: 111
Don't misunderstand me, that is some excellant texturing work there... for a snake or lizard.

It's not because it's green. In fact, I actually like the green color you have going on there, it's...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 26-10-2003 | Views: 7,116 Replies: 6
Wholly crap... I didn't even think to look for a script like that.

I found one. It works like a charm.

I just need to make the transitional model a much lower resolution for the script to do...
Posted By 1001 Jedi Nights On 26-10-2003 | Views: 7,116 Replies: 6
That's the method I use to simulate speech. I've tried using a blend shape to morph a sphere into a cube, but to no avail. If it can't do that then it certainly can't do what I'm talking about.

Showing results 1 to 10 of 33