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Search: Posts Made By: Tammy
Posted By Tammy On 11-01-2013 | Views: 3,736 Replies: 4
Yes, I do have the Maya Bullet Physics Documentation. It doesn't seem to help me much. I still haven't figured out how to use Bullet, and DMM. Where else can I look, or could someone else help...
Posted By Tammy On 11-01-2013 | Views: 3,436 Replies: 0
I'm just trying to make a scene with a ragdoll, mesh (for the ragdoll), a passive rigid body plane for the ground, and I think I put in a Vortex or Turbulence field. In Maya 2013, it's part of the...
Posted By Tammy On 09-01-2013 | Views: 3,736 Replies: 4
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place on the forum, I wasn't sure where it would go. So I wish to know how to use Maya 2013's Bullet physics, DMM, and the Substance Materials. I need more...
Posted By Tammy On 09-05-2008 | Views: 1,638 Replies: 2
If there's a way that I could upgrade or update the version of Maya I have (Maya Umlimited 8.0) to Maya Unlimited 8.5, please tell me.

I bought my copy of Maya from a student software store...
Posted By Tammy On 08-05-2008 | Views: 1,717 Replies: 2
By the way, I am making this character for a game I want to make called Peoplez, which will be a human simulation game with chibi characters. I used rigid skinning because, whenever I use smooth...
Posted By Tammy On 08-05-2008 | Views: 1,717 Replies: 2
Hi, I made a simple chibi character for a game i'm planning, and I used rigid binding to attach the skeleton to the character skin. I'm just wondering if someone could explain why the hair of my...
Posted By Tammy On 14-04-2008 | Views: 3,073 Replies: 3
They are supposed to look like chibi cartoon characters, and I wasn't planning on going for the realistic looks. I wanted to have the characters look as simple as possible, because that's what a...
Posted By Tammy On 12-04-2008 | Views: 3,073 Replies: 3
I made these really cute chibi manga humans for a game i'm trying to make and have been planning on for years. I've redone the graphics for the heads/bodies several times over about 4 years. The game...
Posted By Tammy On 26-03-2008 | Views: 3,992 Replies: 1
Forum: Programming
I have some questions regarding making a plugin for Maya in the Maya 8.0 Script Editor. But first I would like to show you what I have so far in the Maya Script Editor:...
Posted By Tammy On 12-10-2007 | Views: 1,530 Replies: 0
Hello, I made some models in maya, and UVmapped them each. Does anyone know of a DirectX exporter for Maya 8.0 that has the following?: Animation exporter, original UVmaps exported with the model.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 32