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Search: Posts Made By: Agent_Dick
Posted By Agent_Dick On 30-11-2008 | Views: 7,692 Replies: 9
Alright, thanks guys. It sounds like it helps you get past the parts of the creation process I hate the most- the constant going into photoshop, painting it on, having it look like sh** then going...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 17-11-2008 | Views: 7,692 Replies: 9
I've seen you lot do some pretty sweet looking stuff with zbrush, and frankly, I hate bumpmapping in every damn detail. So I ask you, is ZBrush worth the money and the time it takes to learn it? I...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 06-11-2008 | Views: 6,053 Replies: 13
So, yeah, this is my first attempt at anything even remotely realistic in terms of shader building and texturing (I still have no idea how to build a realistic skin shader, I just slapped this...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 14-08-2008 | Views: 6,053 Replies: 13
Here, does this fix what you guys were talking about? It took me a day of working on something else to see what you meant. I hope this time it's...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 14-08-2008 | Views: 39,944 Replies: 154
Hey this is sweet, and my only suggestion would be, cnosidering the narrow and bony profile of the head, when you make the new torso, consider making it very bony and wiry, instead of healthy. You'r...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 13-08-2008 | Views: 188,350 Replies: 381
F***ing Awesome, sir! Well done. Only crit I can think of is you might want to make the engine glows of the rebel ships a little more orange rather than red and perhaps just a tad more opaque. So...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 13-08-2008 | Views: 6,053 Replies: 13
I will be using two of them in conjunction. Sometimes you can't get away with not adding these things to the mesh. If you try to animate later on it won't work. Especially these long scars or the...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 11-08-2008 | Views: 6,053 Replies: 13
Ah, I see what you mean. It's not as bad on the left, but it is still there.

How's this then?
Posted By Agent_Dick On 11-08-2008 | Views: 6,053 Replies: 13
Oh, ok, but I still am unsure which ones you are talking about. Could you maybe upload a copy of this picture with it highlighted? I'm sorry, but I've been looking at this so much it's getting hard...
Posted By Agent_Dick On 11-08-2008 | Views: 6,053 Replies: 13
Yeah, but whicxh ones? Because quite a few are supposed to be scars, the one on the cheek and lower right chin and under the lip in particular are all from a picure of this friend of mine who was in...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 66