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Search: Posts Made By: Kratch
Posted By Kratch On 16-05-2008 | Views: 2,149 Replies: 3
Are the keys all set at the same place in the timeline? are they both set to the same values on each key? (easiest way to check is to open your graph editor and make sure the rotate why curve looks...
Posted By Kratch On 11-05-2008 | Views: 4,029 Replies: 5
Sounds like you might have an object parented to another object, then you drag select both and move them. As the parent moves, the child moves with it, but then your also moving the child, producing...
Posted By Kratch On 08-05-2008 | Views: 2,082 Replies: 2
go to preferences under the catagory Interface > Viewcube and make sure viewcube is checked on.
Posted By Kratch On 08-05-2008 | Views: 4,029 Replies: 5
nurbs or poly's?
Posted By Kratch On 08-05-2008 | Views: 2,675 Replies: 3
And (with the move tool selected) hit the insert key to move your pivot (AKA point of rotation) to an appropriate location.
Posted By Kratch On 07-05-2008 | Views: 2,779 Replies: 6
there are two ways to switch on/off backface culling. one is strictly for the selected object (Display > Polygons > BackFace Culling), the other way is for your entire scene (Preferences >Display >...
Posted By Kratch On 07-05-2008 | Views: 2,185 Replies: 4
Right now, it appears that your skin is being influenced by both the top and bottom jaw joints. You will need to weight the vertices based on where they are. make sure that the top jaw vertices are...
Posted By Kratch On 07-05-2008 | Views: 3,191 Replies: 8
PLE actually allows you to import FBX from other software, but it only allows you to save as it's own proprietary formats (.ML and .FBL i think. .FBL allows compatibility with MotionBuilder PLE)...
Posted By Kratch On 07-05-2008 | Views: 1,564 Replies: 4
there are entire books on the subject, recommending a single tutorial without knowing more will be difficult.
Posted By Kratch On 14-04-2008 | Views: 4,933 Replies: 5
Highlighting a channel name (not the vlue box) then middle mouse dragging, can change the value of a channel/attribute. Pretty sure this is a PC only thing though.

As for the shortcut for select...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 52