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Search: Posts Made By: kbrown
Posted By kbrown On 24-11-2013 | Views: 2,359 Replies: 0
Forum: Programming

First of all, apologies for not being very active here. Life seems to pull me in many different directions these days and I tend not to spend that much time in front of the computer other...
Posted By kbrown On 03-02-2013 | Views: 17,499 Replies: 3
Forum: Programming
The noise() function is handy for these kinds of situations. It takes in time and outputs values between -1 and 1. So something like this would work:

float $fFreq = 1.0;
float $fMag = 3.0;
Posted By kbrown On 03-02-2013 | Views: 9,310 Replies: 5
Forum: Programming
Just for the sake of posting something here in years I though I'd present another way of doing this. This gives you a little bit of control over the flickering. The $fFreq controls the speed of the...
Posted By kbrown On 20-01-2012 | Views: 2,218 Replies: 2
Hi guys,

Most of you probably don't even know who I am as I haven't been very active here in the past few years. Anyway, I thought I'd drop by and say hello as I just met with David (the guy...
Posted By kbrown On 03-12-2010 | Views: 4,515 Replies: 1
Forum: Programming
You are essentially just doubling the X value so a simple for loop should do. Something like this

int $i;
float $x = 0.005;
for($i = 0; $i < $numberOfCVs; $i++)
$x *= 2;
// Do whatever...
Posted By kbrown On 09-06-2010 | Views: 4,731 Replies: 21
Q: (the client) Can you do...
A: (you) Probably not but...

Posted By kbrown On 17-05-2010 | Views: 4,731 Replies: 21
Heh, I was wondering the same if it was you Jay :) Next time I'll say hello :P

-- K
Posted By kbrown On 13-05-2010 | Views: 2,508 Replies: 2
That's pretty cool. Wonder how much noise there is in the data though. I find it hard to believe it's flawless...
Posted By kbrown On 13-05-2010 | Views: 4,731 Replies: 21
A: There is no spoon!
Posted By kbrown On 11-05-2010 | Views: 4,731 Replies: 21
Q: WTF just happened?
A: Huh?

Showing results 1 to 10 of 500