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Search: Posts Made By: zero3growlithe
Posted By zero3growlithe On 08-09-2014 | Views: 56,929 Replies: 5
It's not the problem with missing textures but broken shader links, but anyway, it never happened in earlier versions of Maya and in Maya 2015 it happens with any model I save (it happens with *.mb...
Posted By zero3growlithe On 29-08-2014 | Views: 56,929 Replies: 5
Well yeah, except for the fact that if I reassign the same shader again that was earlier there (the name still appears in the Attribute Editor btw, and I'm not creating a new one but reusing the...
Posted By zero3growlithe On 28-08-2014 | Views: 56,929 Replies: 5

I have a serious problem with maya where some of my objects on scene that were ok couple minutes before closing the maya became green after opening the same scene a minute later (no...
Posted By zero3growlithe On 27-03-2012 | Views: 2,757 Replies: 1
Uncle google doesn't bite :D: Modeling the human ear made easy - YouTube (
Posted By zero3growlithe On 27-03-2012 | Views: 2,978 Replies: 1
I have a simple ground with mountains and what I want to do is to paint it in some places but becouse my texture has a size of 512x512 and it had to be repeated 20x20 times my paint is appearing on...
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