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Search: Posts Made By: Jakob1105
Posted By Jakob1105 On 10-11-2014 | Views: 3,789 Replies: 5
Forum: Animation
Thanks for the feed back.

Still though, I've spent just about all day trying to figure out a solution to this, and nothing seems to work.

Is it possible to change a meshes skin weights via a...
Posted By Jakob1105 On 09-11-2014 | Views: 3,789 Replies: 5
Forum: Animation
Thanks, for replying.

Do you mean that I can key my skin weights with a driven key? Because that would be ideal, but I'm just not sure if that can actually be done.

I'll take a look at that...
Posted By Jakob1105 On 09-11-2014 | Views: 3,789 Replies: 5
Forum: Animation

I have a rig built of 2 meshes. One is the main mesh of the creature and the other is a neck frill (activated by a blend shape) similar to the dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park. When the Frill...
Posted By Jakob1105 On 23-10-2014 | Views: 2,710 Replies: 2
Forum: Animation
Cool, thanks for the reply.

I will look into it.
Posted By Jakob1105 On 23-10-2014 | Views: 2,710 Replies: 2
Forum: Animation

I've got a question that I'm hoping there's a simple answer to.

Lets say for the sake of argument that I'm building a Dilophosaurus model with the neck frill like in Jurassic Park (and I...
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