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Search: Posts Made By: count23
Posted By count23 On 03-11-2014 | Views: 3,433 Replies: 7
I took a look, my PC at home actually has the same problem, with a fresh build of maya 2014.

It seems to only happen if an image plane is on the scene in teh area i'm drawing polygons. Even if the...
Posted By count23 On 30-10-2014 | Views: 3,433 Replies: 7
it's possible, i'm using a laptop with an intel HD4000...

My PC at home doesn't have this problem.
Posted By count23 On 30-10-2014 | Views: 3,433 Replies: 7
Inside the grid tool? I already tried resetting settings and it did nothing. Still same problem.
Posted By count23 On 30-10-2014 | Views: 3,433 Replies: 7
Yea... that only explains backface culling which is a very simple function (I swear, 3 minutes to explain a simple checkbox??)

It doesnt explain why the regular rendered lines are vanishing on the...
Posted By count23 On 30-10-2014 | Views: 3,433 Replies: 7
What could be causing the outlines of the polygons to disappear when they're not highlighted, like the attached images show?

I'm using black for the axis lines, grey for the subdivisions, but...
Posted By count23 On 30-10-2014 | Views: 2,701 Replies: 5
jsprogg, I'll try that and see how it goes, seems to be the most promising solution to my problem thus far. thanks.
Posted By count23 On 27-10-2014 | Views: 2,701 Replies: 5
sorry, that's not what i'm after.

i'll try to explain it simpler.

Say i have a plane. now, rotate this plane to 30.31 degrees offset from the existing axes, I need to do precision cutting and...
Posted By count23 On 24-10-2014 | Views: 2,701 Replies: 5
Is there a way to rotate the grid that you can snap points to without moving a model? I have some models I'm making that have some objects that are not flush with some of the grid axis, so i can't...
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8