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Search: Posts Made By: wchamlet
Posted By wchamlet On 05-01-2006 | Views: 4,112 Replies: 6
Sarah Simblet's Anatomy For the Artist is a pretty good book. One of the better one's in my opinion.

Anatomy For The Artist...
Posted By wchamlet On 24-05-2005 | Views: 16,038 Replies: 43
Well Qui'gon was a rebel of sorts and didn't follow the will of the council either. He eventually learned something that Yoda didn't even know. So to me it looked like the Jedi had become stagnant...
Posted By wchamlet On 24-05-2005 | Views: 16,038 Replies: 43
I don't disagree with that. I just offered my opinion too, so I hope others don't take it as me pontificating.

One thing I would like to ask you though. Do you think Anakin would have faired...
Posted By wchamlet On 24-05-2005 | Views: 16,038 Replies: 43
I enjoyed the movie quite a lot. I'm amazed at the amount of detail they put into the film. I sometimes wonder if someone else would have done a better job with Directing these newer films, but no...
Posted By wchamlet On 25-04-2005 | Views: 2,498 Replies: 10
I definitely want to see this. I don't know much about the book, radio, or tv series, so this is going to be all new to me. The previews for this look hilarious though.
Posted By wchamlet On 19-02-2005 | Views: 4,181 Replies: 18
I'm only looking for a job as a modeler. I don't know a thing about animation, so to me that would be a good expense. But not before I get a job as a modeler first. If I can't get a job as a...
Posted By wchamlet On 18-02-2005 | Views: 2,752 Replies: 14
You will probably end up with that many, even if you don't want to. It definitely wasn't a goal I started out to do. Don't think of it as a hindrance. It's more the nature of how this stuff goes. ...
Posted By wchamlet On 18-02-2005 | Views: 2,752 Replies: 14
I'd say I have hundreds too. Mostly pieces of stuff, not hundreds of entire characters. Actually when I'm working on something I can go through 40-50 different saves/ideas. Looking back I can...
Posted By wchamlet On 16-02-2005 | Views: 4,181 Replies: 18
Thank you Lisa. I appreciate that very much. :D

I'm hoping to have my demo reel done this spring, and I hope some studios think my work is good too! LOL
Posted By wchamlet On 16-02-2005 | Views: 4,181 Replies: 18
Their prices are really no different from any other College or University in the US. This is just more clear for people to figure out how much money people are making on people's education.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 194