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Search: Posts Made By: lisa_gonzalez
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 30-09-2006 | Views: 47,107 Replies: 112
Hi guys!!

I'm still around too - hi BMS! I only pop in now and again though, to have a browse of the posts, I'm usually pretty busy all the time. I'm not doing matchmove anymore at work, but if I...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 01-09-2006 | Views: 2,666 Replies: 8
Hmm, this is kinda a tough question to answer, there are lots of little tips and tricks when it comes to UV'ing, I guess it depends on what you want to UV. Do you have anything in particular that...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 30-08-2006 | Views: 4,390 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
I'm suspicious that you are flammable man, dude. Strange how the interior wireframe of your gun looks identical to that in the other guys post.............just an observation.

No harm done though.
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 26-08-2006 | Views: 6,308 Replies: 35
There is actaully an excellent new feature in Maya 8 which nobody here has mentioned yet, its the new transfer polygon attributes. This allows you to transfer UV's (and colour vertex info) between...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 27-06-2006 | Views: 2,451 Replies: 8
Dude, its not exactly a good idea to advertise the fact that you are using illegal software, I don't see why somebody should email you their help files from their legally bought version of Maya, do...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 22-06-2006 | Views: 6,281 Replies: 5
Forum: Programming
Hey there.

You could do it, but you may have to write a little script to help you. I've used a similar process (I didn't write the script though, I'm not too hot with Mel). I guess what the script...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 03-06-2006 | Views: 6,661 Replies: 26
Forum: Finished Work
Sorry, I don't want to flame, but I agree with arran. I can understand why you might like to use these other renderers and I think its good that you are experimenting with them, but how can you be...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 29-05-2006 | Views: 1,758 Replies: 2
Hey there.

It is not bad to have 3, or even 5 sided polys in your mesh, this is a myth. The only time when having non-quad faces in your mesh may present a problem is if you want to convert your...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 18-05-2006 | Views: 6,448 Replies: 31
I was a matchmove artist, then a lead matchmove artist at MPC, now I'm a modeller. I've been at MPC for about 20 months, and I've got a degree in Computer Animation.

When I was at college I...
Posted By lisa_gonzalez On 16-05-2006 | Views: 41,199 Replies: 154
I live in Staines and I work in London. I've lived down here all my life, and I've supported Leeds Utd all my life - you don't need to live there to support them, I'm a whites fan forever! I want...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 299