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Search: Posts Made By: Calvin
Posted By Calvin On 06-07-2021 | Views: 8,140 Replies: 1
Hello :)

Is there a particular reason you want to use nParticles? I imagine just using nCloth to have the leaves fall would be a less complicated way to go about this. You could set up a few...
Posted By Calvin On 30-07-2018 | Views: 13,935 Replies: 0
Hello, does anyone know how to texture a Bifrost Mesh to look like Lava? Sim isn't an issue, its more of the look. I'm going for something like this

Posted By Calvin On 22-08-2016 | Views: 6,252 Replies: 0
Forum: Programming
Hello all,

I recently used a bend deformer on a bunch of feathers on a bird model to simulate flying through the air without having to actually use dynamics.

On the bend deformer curve...
Posted By Calvin On 20-06-2016 | Views: 4,853 Replies: 0

I'm having a problem with Maya hair in VRay. I have a character that, solo, will render in about 20 minutes, but with a beard, mustache, eyebrows and a bit of his back hair showing...
Posted By Calvin On 19-03-2015 | Views: 7,098 Replies: 1
Hello :)

Does anyone here know how to use the Mental Ray melt shader for Real Flow in Maya? It's what's used get the mixing liquids effect. I'm supposed to get two different colored liquids to...
Posted By Calvin On 05-11-2014 | Views: 3,543 Replies: 1

Having a problem maybe some of might be able to help with if you've run into it before. We have a scene lit by the MR Sun and Sky system, and it only casts shadows up to a certain frame. ...
Posted By Calvin On 27-05-2014 | Views: 3,897 Replies: 1
I think if you're using bullet you can animate the doll going up as a kinetic rigid body, then on the frame the claw lets go, animate it to become a dynamic rigid body, and gravity should kick in. ...
Posted By Calvin On 27-05-2014 | Views: 4,261 Replies: 0

I have an object that I want to shatter when it falls and hits the ground and I was trying to use Maya's bullet dynamics to do it. If I make every piece a rigid body with the collision...
Posted By Calvin On 10-10-2013 | Views: 2,932 Replies: 1
Hello all,

I have a shot where I have furry characters in fog. FOr the fog I just have a static Maya fluid. Now the characters are at different distances from the camera so some are in more fog...
Posted By Calvin On 02-07-2013 | Views: 4,781 Replies: 10
Hello again all,

I'm still working on a a project with fur, and I've run into a brand new problem. When I work on a character with fur, I can get it the way it should be but when the file gets...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 136