Expression on Bend Deformer Problem
Hello all,
I recently used a bend deformer on a bunch of feathers on a bird model to simulate flying through the air without having to actually use dynamics.
On the bend deformer curve attribure I put
bend1.curvature = noise(time*2)*2;
The box showing the value of curvature turns purple and all is well. But then, when I re-opened my files, the box is now yellow, and I can't edit the expression.
I think they all work on earlier files, prior to the time I sent the eagle off to have changes made to its rig. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but the deformers I added after I got the rig back still work. I have the deformers in a group and that group is constrained to the joints of the bird. Now I need to edit the expression and I can't. It won't load in the expression editor.
If I go to the attribute editor to view the expression, it now says
unitConversion459.input = abs(noise(time*2)*2);
Help please.