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Search: Posts Made By: misterdeak
Posted By misterdeak On 17-08-2005 | Views: 1,450 Replies: 3
Thankee guys! I see your point... I'll do something about the lip. Keep you posted!

Btw, I hear from a lot of people that my renders are too dark... I'll check my screen brightness.

Posted By misterdeak On 15-08-2005 | Views: 1,450 Replies: 3
I've dropped the Walther P99 for a while (if anyone remembers my last post) and made a first attempt at a human head. I'm pretty content with it, but I wanna hear from the pros. So please feel...
Posted By misterdeak On 02-06-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
Thanks Niasyn.
I suppose that makes you the authority on how this thing should look ;).
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to play with maya these days (I have about two months left to...
Posted By misterdeak On 21-05-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
Thanks, Orgeeizm and Mayatjuh.

As I said in an earlier post, the blurriness is caused by the Depth of Field. I used that on purpose to get the photographic effect - if I render without it, it...
Posted By misterdeak On 14-05-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
Thanks for the compliments guys.

Brian, about the "rubberish feel": the actual P99 has some sort of polymer coating, giving it a sort of plastic-like appearance. The grip in fact consists of a lot...
Posted By misterdeak On 13-04-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
You can use several primitives for the mesh, as long as you join them in the end so they become a single object. Have you ever textured anything? It's exactly the same technique.... Bumpmaps don't...
Posted By misterdeak On 12-04-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
Ow, about the tutorials... No, none that I know of. I'm sure they're around, but I just sort of messed about until I liked the result :).

If you're any good with Photoshop (or something similar)...
Posted By misterdeak On 12-04-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
The quick response time of this forum never ceases to amaze me either...

Thanks for the comment, Alienscience!
The blurriness on the handle (and the slide) is caused by the DOF (something I...
Posted By misterdeak On 12-04-2005 | Views: 5,818 Replies: 14
Forum: Finished Work
Hi there!

Maya never ceases to amaze me... This is the first time I have effectively used bumpmaps (and nothing but), and I have concluded that they rock.

This model (of a Walther P99 -...
Posted By misterdeak On 02-04-2005 | Views: 5,085 Replies: 23
Looks great... Very nice clean mesh! I've never pulled that off before... I like his sort of WWII German haircut!
Reminds me a bit of George Stobbart from Broken Sword...
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