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Search: Posts Made By: Keith160377
Posted By Keith160377 On 27-10-2007 | Views: 3,223 Replies: 12
Nice work there fella!!!

I don't know if you knew that there is actually a tutorial on how to build this!!!

I've got some pictures of my progress so far and will try to attach them. If you can...
Posted By Keith160377 On 21-06-2007 | Views: 1,874 Replies: 1
Hello all!

Just wondering if someone could please help me here....

I'm using Maya 8.5 and when I go to apply image planes (using the method of creating a plane and then attaching the image...
Posted By Keith160377 On 04-10-2006 | Views: 35,912 Replies: 133
Hi Dilberts,

Great stuff on the cars fella!!

Was just wondering if you could help us?

Sorry to pop a question here in the Carrera GT thread, but I'm looking to try and model the Bugatti...
Posted By Keith160377 On 30-09-2006 | Views: 2,801 Replies: 5
I think you have to now bind the skin.

I think I selected the skin first, then the bone structure. When they are both selected, if I'm not mistaken choose Animation from the drop down menu, then...
Posted By Keith160377 On 07-04-2006 | Views: 2,045 Replies: 4
Hi all!!

I'm trying to make a cave in Maya for a project.

In Max, I was able to do a Cave from doing a tube and then adding a noise modifier to it.

Would I have to do something similar in...
Posted By Keith160377 On 12-03-2006 | Views: 2,202 Replies: 3
I've had this problem myself!

Here is a link to a thread that has a similar issue. I've put a couple of posts up there.

It may or may not work, but it did for me.

Image Plane thread...
Posted By Keith160377 On 24-02-2006 | Views: 4,400 Replies: 20
Cheers mic!!

Most appreciated, I'll get right onto it!!
Posted By Keith160377 On 24-02-2006 | Views: 4,400 Replies: 20

Do you happen to know of any sites that have got information on how to get the flowing lines across the face?

I'm doing the Ninja Warrior tutorial, but I need to sort the geometry on the...
Posted By Keith160377 On 22-02-2006 | Views: 3,371 Replies: 8
To be honest, I do feel a little cheated, but if you want environments, then this is for you. Its very good
Posted By Keith160377 On 22-02-2006 | Views: 3,371 Replies: 8
I've just bought enough points and downloaded it, it seems a good purchase. But I've only just seen part 1, but I'll post back when I've finished and give me verdict ;)

It should show you how to...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 21