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Search: Posts Made By: Grocer
Posted By Grocer On 11-06-2006 | Views: 1,752 Replies: 3
now then,
in the Batch Rendering settings:
Image File Output¬

Frame/Animation Extention:¬

ie: frame.#.(Tiff)
if you select the: Frame.tiff.#: (Option)
Photoshop, etc, will not reckonise...
Posted By Grocer On 20-02-2006 | Views: 34,116 Replies: 136
just a tip...
even when doing some test renders,
try to render from the area that the camera is going to be,
ie: from the storyboard.
cuz, you will start to get the idea or see where an item ...
Posted By Grocer On 19-02-2006 | Views: 5,969 Replies: 7
now then
that's where I thought it was in my Maya...
But couldn't get to it.
So I had a "Problem: solve it".
and that's the only thing I came up with
selecting everything in the scene and...
Posted By Grocer On 19-02-2006 | Views: 34,116 Replies: 136
hi there,
remember you can "cheat" if your not too sure about
the rooms' lighting...
ie: loose the focal depth, or just on the "Action"
or use a Smoke, in the background, to create an atmosphere...
Posted By Grocer On 19-02-2006 | Views: 5,969 Replies: 7
now then,
the "RenderView" is Greyed out, or at least you can not
see or access it any viewports..
This happened to me: Nothing you (I) could do about it.
and tried to find what is wrong... that...
Posted By Grocer On 21-09-2005 | Views: 2,078 Replies: 4
there is a paint effects tutorial for download,
so the image was "started" with it, ie: I had no idea
about the effects, or how to use them in conjunction.

so created some "Nurbs-plains"...
Posted By Grocer On 21-09-2005 | Views: 2,078 Replies: 4
yeh, the lighting and shadows are not quite there.

but, I didn't remember the angles, strengths of the lights
etc... but still experimenting with the painteffects, when I have
time. I must admit...
Posted By Grocer On 15-09-2005 | Views: 1,415 Replies: 1
trial again, it's only 126Kb.

do you know what I am "not" doing?

1: fill in "text" parts,
2: (attach file) Browse:
3: [locate the file on my Comp']
4:"open" (select) the image.
Posted By Grocer On 15-09-2005 | Views: 1,415 Replies: 1
I've used the same background just rendered at a
different angle and light, not too sure if they matchup
correctly, but are close.

I quite like the tool for "easy extras" in a scene.
I might...
Posted By Grocer On 14-09-2005 | Views: 2,078 Replies: 4
just downloaded the painteffects tutorial and had a play
about with it... rendered the background, and then used
it as an image plain,
and then continued with the forground.
I think it's 6/10...
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