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Search: Posts Made By: mclimer
Posted By mclimer On 23-07-2005 | Views: 3,553 Replies: 14
Hey Falott - I recognized Tareq's modeling style as soon as I opened up the page. He's a teacher of mine out here in San Francisco. Everything is looking pretty good so far. Some of the...
Posted By mclimer On 11-06-2005 | Views: 1,860 Replies: 1
This might hurt a bit, but if you uv maped the original texture, the only way to transfer it is to have the exact number of UV's on both models, and they're in the same general area. My suggestion...
Posted By mclimer On 11-06-2005 | Views: 1,790 Replies: 5
Got to start on the forearm today. I know the muscles are a bit overdefined right now, but I wanted to try something different this time. I decided to model all the muscles overdefined, then tone...
Posted By mclimer On 09-06-2005 | Views: 1,790 Replies: 5
The title says it all folks. I wanted to spend some time on a hand, since I am pretty bad at them. I wanted to see what you all thought. It's all Maya modeling by the way. When I get this the way I...
Posted By mclimer On 15-02-2005 | Views: 6,764 Replies: 31
It's one of his dog tags. I took a cue out of the movie "Sniper" and put one of his two tags on his boot. That way, should he be blown apart, they can tell who he is. Or so the story goes anyhow.
Posted By mclimer On 13-02-2005 | Views: 6,764 Replies: 31
Thanks for the posative feedback. I went ahead and did some more with the textures. Sorry if they're not great, but I hate texturing, and kind of suck at it. I'm really pleased with the final...
Posted By mclimer On 03-02-2005 | Views: 6,764 Replies: 31
Hey, thanks for the posative feedback. I went ahead and fixed those pants. I think they look a lot better now. I'm also playing with some basic shaders and lighting. Please feel free to continue...
Posted By mclimer On 29-01-2005 | Views: 6,764 Replies: 31
Finally got a day off, and got to get some work done. Trying to get the pants worked out. Most of the upper body is done, and I'm pretty pleased with it. Thanks again for the crits and comments,...
Posted By mclimer On 25-01-2005 | Views: 6,764 Replies: 31
Another small update. Working hard to get his equipment finished up. I got the majority of his harness done, not it's on to the detail work, and the ammo pouches.

Khaos - Everything modeled...
Posted By mclimer On 24-01-2005 | Views: 6,764 Replies: 31
Another update. This time it's body armor and some harnesses.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 56