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Search: Posts Made By: Kartzan
Posted By Kartzan On 07-05-2008 | Views: 2,838 Replies: 2
Forum: Programming
I have a quick question, that hopefully someone on here can help me with. I have a lot of small objects that I would like to unwrap (250 or so) using a standard spherical unwrap, and I want to...
Posted By Kartzan On 17-11-2007 | Views: 5,716 Replies: 6
Well, its kind of hard to explain because I'm trying to recreate something that occurs and a scale not visible to the human eye, sort of like a visualization. Basically particles get blown over this...
Posted By Kartzan On 09-11-2007 | Views: 5,716 Replies: 6
Only problem with that is, only NURBS and polygonal surfaces may be selected to create rigid bodies :-/
Posted By Kartzan On 07-11-2007 | Views: 5,716 Replies: 6
Yet again I'm doing some particle simulations, and this time I am trying to have particles hit a surface and clump up and move around.

I feel like it should be a single button I need to press, but...
Posted By Kartzan On 20-10-2007 | Views: 2,365 Replies: 5
Ok, now for something a little more complicated...

To recap, there is a plane emitting particles downward toward the origin, where a sphere rests. This sphere attracts all nearby particles, and...
Posted By Kartzan On 18-10-2007 | Views: 2,365 Replies: 5
Never mind, got it to work :D
Posted By Kartzan On 18-10-2007 | Views: 2,365 Replies: 5
Thanks a lot for the help!

However, I've been playing around with the expressions and I'm trying to get the particles to die now once they are inside the target sphere, and well, its not working...
Posted By Kartzan On 30-09-2007 | Views: 2,365 Replies: 5
Thanks a lot for the help! I'll give it a try tommorow and see how it work.
Posted By Kartzan On 29-09-2007 | Views: 2,365 Replies: 5
Hey all,
I'm working on a project, a sort of partical simulation. Basically the goal is to have a surface emit particles that float downward toward a sphere that attracts all nearby particles...
Posted By Kartzan On 26-04-2006 | Views: 4,426 Replies: 21
oh, well in that case never mind, but it looks good
Showing results 1 to 10 of 114