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Search: Posts Made By: blackstrings
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 1,774 Replies: 2
okay i think i get what you wanted, so you want to get the PC files of the skeletal bones reference and transfer it into your mac?

If you were able to find a PC to open the CD and view its files,...
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 1,774 Replies: 2
So what is it that you want help on actually?

how to construct a skeletal bone structure on a certain animal?
or how to get the file from PC to mac?
or how skeleton bone works in maya?
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 2,003 Replies: 1
I'm guessing 90% that maybe it's just windows vista, maybe maya isn't totally fixed to work 100% in vista...?
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 1,814 Replies: 1
i'm guessing it's a bug?

did you try, smoothing, edit > delete history > smoothing again, to see if it works? or if that was what you did then i'm not sure either.
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 5,029 Replies: 13
one thing you might want to check, is your tolerance for your split tool, maybe its attribute put up too high and that blocks you from clicking another try lowering it down.

if not,...
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 2,142 Replies: 3
when booleaning and doing those unions, you just have to make sure the two polygons go into each other with a good amount of distance. meaning two polygons should go into each other quite a lot to...
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 13,105 Replies: 4
Ok I finally found out the answer to my question.

For those who ran into the same problem, to duplicate objects that have derform nodes such as clusters or lattices, and still keep their...
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 13,105 Replies: 4
i could use instances, and they would work fine, but then what if i don't two clusters to move or affect their parented objects at the same time?

The reason why i wanted this is because I was...
Posted By blackstrings On 02-12-2007 | Views: 1,841 Replies: 2
maybe more info might help, a picture or so of your model and the problem.

otherwise i'm guessing some graphic card problem or just something in your maya scene is not right.
Posted By blackstrings On 29-11-2007 | Views: 4,568 Replies: 2
to convert polygons to subdiviions you must first have a good modeled surface or object. which means all of its faces should be in quads. then simply modify > convert > poly to subdivision > the max...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 79