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Search: Posts Made By: sjurick
Posted By sjurick On 21-11-2005 | Views: 2,792 Replies: 6
Ya, I actually tried working with the MR DOF lens and it worked great, but took about a 100 times longer b/c I had to also increase AA way up.

I'm not used to rendering in passes (I know I should...
Posted By sjurick On 21-11-2005 | Views: 2,792 Replies: 6
No matter what I do I cannot get rid of the fuzz so I'm thinking that there is a problem with using regular Camera DOF with Mental Ray. Should I be using the Mental Ray Physical Lens DOF node...
Posted By sjurick On 20-11-2005 | Views: 2,792 Replies: 6
Well, I checked the objects which were a group of balls and the ground object, and it was at 45 units large. I scaled it down to 9.5 units, rendered again from different angle and changed the DOF...
Posted By sjurick On 16-11-2005 | Views: 2,792 Replies: 6
Hello all. I'm getting some strange artifacts in a render using IBL, and some DOF on the camera. The artifacts or fuzz as I refer to it only occur when the DOF on the camera is turned on.

Posted By sjurick On 16-11-2005 | Views: 4,286 Replies: 13

I'm into all aspects of R/C fixed wing and do a little nitro and electric helis too. Can't wait to see your model when it's finished.

I've started a model of an 87" Yak 54 that is...
Posted By sjurick On 26-10-2005 | Views: 1,791 Replies: 2
Thanks for the links. Very useful. Now if SSS could just get less complicated I'd be happy.
Posted By sjurick On 26-10-2005 | Views: 1,791 Replies: 2
Hey all. I'm really wanting to get some SSS working with Mental Ray and Maya 7.

Where are the good easy to understand tutorials on how to make it work?

I've got a few that are ok but need...
Posted By sjurick On 05-09-2005 | Views: 2,518 Replies: 4
Forum: Maya Modeling
Thanks all. I was able to clear this through the Hypergraph.

Posted By sjurick On 24-08-2005 | Views: 2,384 Replies: 5
Forum: Maya Modeling
If what you say is true, that creasing in Sub-D just changes the way the geometry displays in that mode without actually changing it, then I guess I'm confused.

What is the best way to create a...
Posted By sjurick On 24-08-2005 | Views: 2,384 Replies: 5
Forum: Maya Modeling
Is it normal for spending hours of creasing in Sub-D mode, convert back to polys to add some detail, come back to Sub-D and have all the creasing lost? I still see the heavy bolded dotted line in...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 140