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Search: Posts Made By: Mohawkjunkee
Posted By Mohawkjunkee On 13-01-2007 | Views: 2,411 Replies: 7
how do i get the effect of a flame to follow along a path such as if i were to set flame to an object it would start from point A to point B not all at once. i have tried to use the create flow along...
Posted By Mohawkjunkee On 16-12-2006 | Views: 1,447 Replies: 2
is there a way to add a video to the scene and then track an object in the video to add an effect the that object is there a simple way to do it
Posted By Mohawkjunkee On 24-11-2006 | Views: 1,437 Replies: 1
i am having trouble with the rendering of partical systems such as a flame. exporting it to after effects to put together with another video(you know for special effects reasons) but when i do and i...
Posted By Mohawkjunkee On 24-11-2006 | Views: 1,647 Replies: 2
i am having trouble with the rendering of partical systems such as a flame. exporting it to after effects to put together with another video(you know for special effects reasons) but when i do and i...
Posted By Mohawkjunkee On 19-11-2006 | Views: 2,302 Replies: 1
does anybody know where or how i can get tips on how to create a flame (flame thrower) i just purchased maya so i'm still learnng the basics but it would be useful----thanx
Posted By Mohawkjunkee On 01-11-2006 | Views: 1,583 Replies: 0
i was curious on how to create the water bending tech. that is done on avatar the last air bender. just simple removing the water from the surface and suspending it in mid air with same fluidity it's...
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6