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# 12 21-05-2005 , 12:02 AM
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Well from reading what other people had thought about this in CGTALK, the ones who saw the screening that is, I already had a bad feeling for the acting, though I came in expecting it to be better than what they had said it would be. I knew the graphics were gonna be awesome so I made sure I payed attention to every little thing (or tried hehehe).

So much details in this movie omg, in the night city scenes in the capital, I noticed even the really not so tall buildings had their own decorations on their top roof, like one of a dancing pink lady, I guess that building was for eh you know what LOL. Yoda's details were just ahhh so amazing except I felt that in some parts that added detail was overdid.

- Love scenes between Padme and Anakin, my god.. I just learned to ignore Anakins acting.. Really nice face though for that evil look. Especially those eyes. What I notice about his acting is how he says his sentences, like he's trying TOO hard to follow a certain way of speaking, like a dialect I guess and I dont think its working out for him.

- The fight when the Chancellor was getting arrested by Mace Windu I thought was weak. He just did a barrel roll towards 4 Jedis and all they did was stand there and the 1 gets killed in an instant.. So much for their training of evading.. They knew he was a Sith and yet they didnt even dodge or circle him, they stayed in one corner with all their lightsabers that if the Sith hit, couldve probably made them kill each other accidentally..ahh so stupid.

- "NOoOOOOoooo" Says Vader, HAHAHA oh man. One part that bothered me is when they put on his mask even when his face was still all burned looking, not even healed. That wouldve made Vaders face in the end of Return of the Jedi a bit wayy more scarred all over than what it showed.. Unless somewhere later on, in a galaxy far far away, he got a extreme makeover plastic surgery.

Padmes Funeral with her "twins". I think they did that to keep Luke and Lea safe from the Empire. Darth Sidious told Vader that his "anger" killed Padme and not the child birthing process. So in some way, that scene where Vader finds out about Padme, the scene where Yoda says they must separate the twins to protect them, is connected to the scene where they showed the funeral of Padme as pregnant.

Medically fine, but losing the will to live? I call that depression and the person is not medically fine in the head in the case of their brain chemicals. user added image That couldve been the reason for her death, since the scene between her and Anakin when she got choked "showed" how much she was "really disappointed" about her husband joining the dark side.

-- ill come back later, im still drooling over graphics so I gotta teach myself some more Maya.

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