hiya magicsy..cheers for the comments...got really big plans for this bloke...the plugs where painfully modelled, no bump map used..(probably should and could have though). the section of the face is possible but thats not the original vision i had but im constantly changing my mind about bits so who knows... im definatly gonna go the full monty wiv this one....the basis for this idea is that 'valentine' is jacked up to a vechile or war machine of some sort...which he is controlling from his head...i think the rest of his body may be in some kind of straight jacket,hannabal lector stylee maybe??...this will give the idea that he might have been caught and his body manipulated without his wishes...this may be played on other organic creatures that will be driving other parts of the machine, little goblin types maybe....?? what do you think...any ideas???