Thread: New Project
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# 153 20-09-2007 , 06:02 AM
mastone's Avatar
Maniacal boy king of Babylon
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: the netherlands
Posts: 1,605
I don't know what you have planned in the storyboard, but i think it will be pretty sweet if the bug hits the window of the hospital in the end instead of going through it.
I imagine the camera still focusing on the window while the bug slides down off the window and maybe that the grim reaper character walks in front of the window at that moment looks at the dying bug and takes out a notebook with a scoreboard that says something like; living score= 0 and death score=153321098644578 (since no one escapes death eventually).
I like the overall 2d environment look by the way, it reminds me of a fairytale book, that you could unfold into a maquette/3d view of a castle, i used to have when i was a kid.

keep up the good workuser added image