Originally posted by Tim_LIVID On a slightly different not, how do you create that white enviroment with the grey model in it? Yeah, Alan was right. I simply replaced all the materials with a grey Lambert shader. The ground also, but that color I changed to white. played a little with irradiance color in the Mental Ray settings. turn on Final Gathernig, and voila Ewoud
Cheers for that guys, I will be sure to use that sometime in the future. I say again though, very cool stuff
blade, looks really good mate, can't find anything wrong with the model at all, except the number plate or "licence plate looks squiffy" (but its proberbly suppossed to look like that ) btw - well done mate laters
Looks spiffy indead. Very good texturing too. Ide say model some interior... Could we see an action render? Light on and so on?
Awesome! How did you achieve that nice chromatic look? How long did the rendering took and on what CPU? I wish I could use MR for my swords