Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 30-01-2005 , 05:11 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 16

Snap point on edge? Help!!!

I created a shape with the create polygon tool.
Next I used the split polygon tool to draw the geometry.

I need to move one vertice along an edge.

I select the move tool, select the vertice and hold the "c" key while moving the vertice. Problem is the vertice will not stay on the same angle as the edge of the shape I created.

How can I constrain the vertice to move along the edge without changing position of the edge. I thought the "c" key was suppose to snap points to a curve or edge.

I know there is a simple solution to this. Help!!!!


# 2 30-01-2005 , 05:58 PM
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The flaw in your logic is that the edge is partially defined by the vertex your trying to move.

Work arounds:
1. Since you used the split poly tool, you can select the vertex then from the channel box, under inputs, select polysplit. This will show the history for the split operation. From there you can numerically change the position of the vertex along the edge or highlight the affected edge then middle-click and drag in the panel window to move the vertex in 1/10th the edge length increments.

2. Assuming that one end of the split is in the right spot. Use the split poly tool again, anchor to the end that is correct then create a new split to the edge in question. Select the edge of the incorrect split and delete it. Note pressing delete will leave the vertex points created. To delete the edge and it's vertices use the delete edge option from the edit polygons menu.

3. Undo and try again. :-)

AIM: mhcannonDMC

"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 3 31-01-2005 , 01:16 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 16
I took a while for me to figure out that I had to press the insert key and move the pivot point on the edge and then press the pivot key (home key on Mac) again. Then I held the c key as I dragged the vertice. The vertice stayed on the edge without changing the edge angle.

I will also try the technique you posted.


Originally posted by mhcannon
The flaw in your logic is that the edge is partially defined by the vertex your trying to move.

Work arounds:
1. Since you used the split poly tool, you can select the vertex then from the channel box, under inputs, select polysplit. This will show the history for the split operation. From there you can numerically change the position of the vertex along the edge or highlight the affected edge then middle-click and drag in the panel window to move the vertex in 1/10th the edge length increments.

2. Assuming that one end of the split is in the right spot. Use the split poly tool again, anchor to the end that is correct then create a new split to the edge in question. Select the edge of the incorrect split and delete it. Note pressing delete will leave the vertex points created. To delete the edge and it's vertices use the delete edge option from the edit polygons menu.

3. Undo and try again. :-)

# 4 31-01-2005 , 06:53 AM
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Maybe I'm missing something. I tried the steps you gave, but the only thing that moved for me was the vertex's pivot point, not the actual vertex. If your method works, it would certainly beat the option I gave you.

AIM: mhcannonDMC

"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 5 31-01-2005 , 07:41 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 16

Maybe this will explain better

I may not be explaining properly.

In side view I needed to move one vertice along the same angle as the other vertices on the edge of a shape built with the create polygon tool. I needed to keep a straight edge.

- I selecting the vertice then the move tool.
- I pressed the insert key and positioned the pivot point on the edge next to the vertice. I pressed the insert key again.
- While holding the "c" key and moving the pivot I was able to constrain the movement of the vertice to the same angle of the edge. The vertice snapped to the edge while I moved the pivot.

This allowed me to keep a straight edge while moving the vertice.

Hope that explains. The technique is on the Polygon Modeling 101 DVD.

While watching the lesson I saw a plugin used called Byrons Poly Tools. Very interesting plug-in for dividing shapes. I wish there was a version for Maya on Mac OSX.


Originally posted by mhcannon
Maybe I'm missing something. I tried the steps you gave, but the only thing that moved for me was the vertex's pivot point, not the actual vertex. If your method works, it would certainly beat the option I gave you.

Last edited by AlanA; 31-01-2005 at 07:45 AM.
# 6 31-01-2005 , 07:56 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Waianae, HI
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Ahh, got it that time. Does work much better. Cool tip!

AIM: mhcannonDMC

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