glow effect rendering problem
K i wanted to create some particles/objects that has glow effects and render it seperately to use it and overlap it over another video through alpha channels.
So i made a cube and gave it a 1 glow effect intensity and render it as a .mov format file with the default black background along with a little rotating animation.
When I over layer this animated-rotating cube over another video for test, it works fines, but the glow effect (that is suppose to show outside of the cube) will not show outside of the cube, only within the cube.
So I'm wondering if it is possible to make the glow effect show outside of the object/particles and have it's own transparency through alpha channels when you composite or over layer it over another video. So you can still see the background video along with the glow effect transparency showing outside of the object/particle as well....If so, how can I do it?
9 months into Maya...and still learning...
0 experience with any other 3D programs
Last edited by blackstrings; 21-08-2006 at 04:00 PM.