Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 26-08-2006 , 07:46 AM
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i got a brief to do a 90 sec movie that has FAKE as the theme, the UFO is not the fake thing, a guy wearing alfoil on his head is the subject of the movie (that is supposed to be the fake but it turns out he is correct). Anyway, thanks to Jay and the two Matts i figured out how to do metal. I was way laid from the shark because of this move here.

two things;

first how can i improve this scene


i made a film texture (AVI) but when i rendered it it had black lines ruining vertically down it?? what is that??

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# 2 26-08-2006 , 07:47 AM
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i put in the actors with after affects so you can not see the cynic being hit but you get the picture..

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# 3 26-08-2006 , 09:20 PM
farbtopf's Avatar
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hi, this doesn't look to bad.

but since you asked how to improove it... I think it would add a great deal of realism if you gave the UFO a shadow. Also since you are compositing in after effects. There is a technique called light spill. When you film a human/UFO or anything in a real environment the ambient light of that area would normaly have an effect on all objects. Sice it is a CGI UFO you'd have to cheat a little to get that effect. Anyway I am not going to explain how to do this in detail, but here's a link to a tutorial.

good luck.

# 4 27-08-2006 , 03:06 AM
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thanks mate i appreciate that very much, a lead, a link, anything is appreciated

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# 5 28-08-2006 , 01:24 PM
gster123's Avatar
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Hi There

Not too sure that you would see a shadow looking at the distance the UFO is from the camera and how the shadows are casting in the afternoon/evening sun, might be wrong....

Did you map the background to see if there would be shadows etc that would be cast by the UFO, and that would solve the shadows issue.

Could you show your lighting set up as I feel the intensity of the "sun" light might do with being "upped" a bit to give a similar effect on the UFO as the effects thats on the cars.


# 6 28-08-2006 , 06:39 PM
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i like the idea, but the reflection in your UFO is kinda off and i think it detracts from the believablity... because of the composition of your shot, we shouldn't be able to see the reflection of the car on the right because it's behind the ufo. as far as a reflection of the environment goes, we should be seeing the area that the "perspective camera" (for lack of a better term) is in, and what's behind it instead of objects that are behind the ufo.

also, as bright as your image is, your UFO is pretty dark. if it's that reflective then it should also be pretty shiny and bright just like its environment, right? i think you just need to increase the intensity of your lighting.

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# 7 29-08-2006 , 01:13 AM
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thanks guys, i again appreciate your input; so far everything suggested is concerned with shadows and light. i must tell you that is is simply an image plan with a jpeg on it (the background) and each UFO shot is only; shot 1- 5 sec; shot 2- 7 sec; shot 3 - 3 sec, (this is me trying to justify a cock up) and i was aware that the reflections were off but i hoped that point on interest for the viewer would drowned out be the overall scene (such action and spectacle user added image )

there were a couple of close shots (2-3 sec) of the Alien in the ship that had a few lights.

I must admit; as per usual most things suggested to me have gone over my head and i will have to look some of this stuff up in the dictionary (so to speak) before i can really understand what is said here. WHAT I HAVE GOT is the need for more consideration with the lighting.

I appreciate anything suggested that is over my head so i can then learn to understand it; i mean the things suggested so far i didn't know existed and now i do.

so thank you very much i (and from such esteem members of the community user added image ) will look into all of this. user added image

to tell the truth, with out going back into maya, i dont think there were any lights at all. The deadline is passed now and the work handed in on time and entered into the uni records as well as enterd into the 'FAKE FILM ' competition in Adealaide (maybe national??).

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# 8 29-08-2006 , 02:50 AM
wuhui's Avatar
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OK ,:attn: :attn: :attn:

# 9 29-08-2006 , 01:28 PM
Lt Jim's Avatar
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Hiya, Mirek!

Maybe I'm crackers, but the first thing I noticed is the lack of a shadow cast/caused by the laser bolt/beam. The shadow cast by the UFO would be minimal, or at best the equivalent strength of any shadows cast by the other objects in the photo. But wouldn't a very bright beam act as a source of illumination and cast SOME sort of shadow or change the overall lighting of the rest of the scene?

I would think the effect would be roughly the same as a bolt of lightning, perhaps not as harsh.

The metal certainly looks nice!

Carry on...!

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