Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 1 06-04-2007 , 07:28 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1

total newbi questions!

hi! i got my maya just yesterday and i found this great forum! so i downloaded a tutorial of "basic human form"the one with the franky guy! i have NEVER ever used any 3d program befor so i was hoping to get started with this tutorial! but im having some porblems with the instructions.i have maya 8.5 but the tutorials are in a different version so im having some trouble doing exactly as instructed! i know that with this problem you cant help me but i have an other problem too witch is more spesified....i was trying to bring the foto of the franky guy into a plane nurb so that i can have it in the back as a guidline for the model, so i did the hypershading thing and i made a lambert and in the attributes menu i put as a color the picture file.but then in the video he just holds down the left mouse botton on the lambert and moves it on to the plane nurb and thats it! but in my maya i cant drag stuff that way, nothing happens! and even when i choose the file as a color in the "texture sample"its black,while on the video it has the pic of the franky guy! and i have some other minor problems such as the fact that there is no modeling menu set in my maya as there is on the video!and some menus are different! and other stuff like that!
now is my version different and i cant help it or can i change some setting or something so that i can keep up with the videos?
thanks for your time reading all this! ans ecxuse my english, im from greece and i have trouble exresing myself sometimes in english!

# 2 06-04-2007 , 07:54 PM
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I also use 8.5 and did the Franky Tutorial. I'll help anyway I can. Instead of a modeling menu set, you will use the surface menu set (for head and body-nurbs) and the polygon menu set (for shoes and hands-polygons). When you drag, don't use the left mouse button (lmb), use the midle mouse button (mmb). Once you successfully drag the franky image onto your image plane, you'll have to press the number 6 to see it.

You said that when you select the franky file, that your sample stays black. Make sure that you're selecting the correct file (should be a jpeg file)

Let us know if you have more questions.

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