I'll have to say I started 3D graphics becuase of computer games and movies. Do you ever say to yourself 'I can do better' when playing a game and coming across a not so well done model?
I also started becuase of two things: I was looking through magazines at the newsagents and I saw the december 2004 issue of computer arts that had free but not so good 3D software on the cover disc. It was cheap and I was bored so I bought it went home and made a really dodgy looking temple, which was an idea I had for a long time for some story that evolved from day dreaming in some boring class.
After a while of not doing anything but moving cubes around, I was on the net typing in random stuff and I came across Ray Caesar's work which is probaly some of the most wonderfully strange things I've ever seen. And then I found out that he used Maya. Since I've done all that could be done with the free software I got Maya and since then I've been slowly learning how to use it.
Hope I didn't bore everyone
C. P. U. Its not a big processor... Its a series of pipes!