Originally posted by turbulent
is it under windows, settings/preferences and the cameras ????
Originally posted by jsprogg
no open up the outliner, it's under Window and then select Outliner .
In the outliner select the camera you are working with (most likely the perspective camera) and then hold down ctrl +A to bring up the attribute aditor and see the attributes for that camera.
Depending on the scale of your scene and your working units you might be able to set the far clipping plane to 1000 or if thats not enough try 10000 and so on until you can zoom out and see your model without it being clipped.
Originally posted by turbulent
Thanks M8
:attn: :attn: :attn: :attn:
Originally posted by turbulent
and how do i attach a file in a thread ????
Originally posted by jsprogg
To attach a file there is a box for that just below the message window when you create a message, just browse to your image but there is a file size limit of around 222k so make sure you compress your image to a suitable size.