Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 16 01-06-2009 , 12:57 PM
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Tried to recreate the problem and I couldn't. /shrug

Have you tried the default prefs? (sometimes user prefs go bad for no appearent reason)

- Genny
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# 17 01-06-2009 , 11:36 PM
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Whats the difference between switching the view in a viewport by going to View>Predefined Bookmarks>e.t.c and going to Panels>Perspective/Orthographic>e.t.c? I think this might be where Im confusing myself.

# 18 02-06-2009 , 12:42 AM
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Well, from my understanding the Panels>__ way actually changes the camera from which you view the scene while the View>predefined bookmarks>__ way doesn't switch the camera at all but only changes the state of the camera already in use.

- Genny
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# 19 13-06-2009 , 11:27 AM
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ok. I'll try and keep that in mind in future.

I added a couple of little bits. Not got the materials really set properly on them, but when I look at the scene I keep seeing in my mind all these different objects in the room. Struggling to perservere with this, but while I am, heres a latest pic with some extras.

# 20 13-06-2009 , 11:28 AM
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# 21 18-06-2009 , 03:44 PM
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Here's a little update. If anyone reads this and has any suggestions of knick knacks I can add to the scene I'd appreciate any ideas. I want to fill up the shelves a bit.

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# 22 18-06-2009 , 04:00 PM
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looks awesome... what about a honey pot?

# 23 18-06-2009 , 05:11 PM
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ha ha. yeah, thats a contender for being under the glass on the plinth. That and honeycomb.

# 24 18-06-2009 , 09:33 PM
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Hey looks great - love the scene as its quite random and textures / props look great i just dont like your shadows they look wrong. For example why do you have a massive square shadow on the floor? Also the 'light ray' coming down has too harsh edges so looks fake.

Also I think a honey pot would look best under the glass! Oh i would also make the plinth a little bigger as it feels a little small so anything added under it will be a bit lost.

Looks like a fun project user added image


# 25 18-06-2009 , 11:14 PM
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Cheers Tommy. I know what you mean about the big square shadow. It came about just cause where I didn't have a definite 'shot' set up, when I was moving about the camera each time I rendered I just pulled back a bit one time, and when I saw the shadow I thought it framed the rest of the scene ok. As I have been working on it quite a bit since, everythings set up for that kind of distance/framing, so I think it will stay for the time being. But I agree aswell with the clinical outline to the spotlight. Softening that up is on my do-list.

I've tried a quick honey pot. Had to search around to figure out a 'getting liquid in a glass' solution, but it didn't look too great. Theres two layers to the glass on the plinth at the moment so whatevers under it looks quite dull. I keep seeing in my mind a rose or something, but I think I'm thinking of Beauty and the Beast. You're right about the size of the plinth.

# 26 18-06-2009 , 11:23 PM
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Alternatively to making a bigger plinth just move closer in to it and have it more as the focal point. As i guess the story that is trying to be told is the bees admiration of what will be in the glass. But at the moment your eye doesnt have a real focal point.

Oh one last point (before it sounds like im ripping it to shreds).... Dust. I dont actually know how to make it but in your 'light beam' i would add dust similarly to this :

Spiderbot - Dust image thing.

I hate it when someone else does a project that looks so fun user added image so many new skills to learn!

# 27 18-06-2009 , 11:48 PM
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I like the dust idea. I've been dipping in and out of an animation handbook, and in that the guy creates a 'star shader' that gives a similar effect to the dust in that picture. I had thought about taking the idea and using it in this. I guess it could be done with particles aswell? Both would be new to me so I'll see what happens..

as an afterthought that might help redraw the focus to the vase, as it has got a little lost the more i've filled up the scene.

# 28 20-06-2009 , 12:13 PM
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Tried adding some 'specs'. Rather than dust I wanted the kind of sparkly look like something magical might give off in a disney film. Its my first time really working with particles, so it's been kind of interesting and hopefully with a bit more play I might learn a few more things about them yet. Such as per particle stuff. I've found it's quite hard to find useful learning material on google for particles. Ive ordered a book instead. If anyone has any tips so that I can change the per particle attributes for size, luminosity e.t.c that would be cool, I think these particles look o.k.ish, but could look better..

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# 29 03-07-2009 , 10:27 AM
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a little update

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