Bevels? If that's what you mean, then I guess I did. The edge would be considered "beveled" because of of the 3 edge loops I made next to the edge of the door to make it so it holds its shape when its smoothed or converted over to subdiv.Did you do any belels on the mesh..........dave
Thanks so much. Very very helpful. Though I did forget to mention one thing... it does the same thing when you convert it over to subdiv. The poly ---> Subdiv conversion tool doesn't really have much in the way of options. Currently trying to figure this one out at the moment, but I'm sure it's the same deal as the smooth tool. Again, thanks a lot.Turn "Keep Border Edges" off
You can also get odd results with "Keep Selection Border" on, So try turning both off ans see if this fixes things.
KBE is trying to literally keep the exact shape of the outer boundary edge and that is the most likely cause of why you are getting oddness around the perimeter of the door.
Here is a test I made and you can see similar results to what you are getting in the first image with KBE=on (default). The second image is more as you would expect and has KBE=off.
I guess I just like to know the ins and outs of why things work or don't work. Maya can betray you quickly if you don't know what does what.You don't need to use Subd's from cars. Just smooth the model. It's better to build the details into your base geometry.