Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 02-03-2012 , 08:36 PM
Edward256's Avatar
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Invalid argument: 0

I like the way one can program in Maya, but it would be nice if it could tell me where the errors are.
string $nextline;
string $fileName = "......\\GOL.TXT";

if ( frame == 0 )
	//open file
	$fileID = `fopen $fileName "r"`;

	// Init black
	setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorR) 0;
	setKeyframe -outTangentType linear -t 0sec (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorR);
	setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorG) 0;
	setKeyframe -outTangentType linear -t 0sec (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorG);
	setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorB) 0;
	setKeyframe -outTangentType linear -t 0sec (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorB);

	setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[2].colorR) 0;
	setKeyframe -outTangentType linear -t 0sec (ramp1.colorEntryList[2].colorR);
	setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[2].colorG) 0;
	setKeyframe -outTangentType linear -t 0sec (ramp1.colorEntryList[2].colorG);
	setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[2].colorB) 0;
	setKeyframe -outTangentType linear -t 0sec (ramp1.colorEntryList[2].colorB);

	// first string
	$nextline = `fgetline $fileID`;

	while ( size( $nextline )>0 )
		// Get the line
		string $time = `match "/\* [0-9]+ms \*/" $nextline`;
		print ( $time );

		$nextline = `fgetline $fileID`;

	//close file
	fclose $fileID;
// Error: Invalid argument: 0 //
// Error: An execution error occured in the expression cameraColors. //
// Result: cameraColors //
Where does it go wrong?


# 2 03-03-2012 , 03:41 AM
NextDesign's Avatar
Technical Director
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,988
Hi Edward.

In the script editor, under History, check "Line numbers in errors".

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 3 03-03-2012 , 12:35 PM
Edward256's Avatar
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Posts: 27
Ah, thanks.
// Error: line 11: Invalid argument: 0 //
// Error: line 1: An execution error occured in the expression cameraColors. //
// Result: cameraColors //
So, if I count the lines correctly, it's complaining about
setAttr (ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorR) 0;
What's wrong with this then? I was going according to the example in "Read animation values from a text file".


# 4 03-03-2012 , 05:40 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
Technical Director
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,988
You need to put the object name in quotes. Eg: setAttr ("ramp1.colorEntryList[0].colorR") 0;

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 5 03-03-2012 , 07:15 PM
Edward256's Avatar
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Sweden
Posts: 27
Ah, many thanks. Didn't realise that from the small example. Now just to filter out the elements from the text file.


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