recently i found a good workaround on how to animate it (thanx to highend),
what i did is, i have a track model with 56 tread, i put a curve along it so that i can use it as a spline curve it need to be rebuilt uniform with its parameter range from 1 to 0, make a skeleton that would be bound by the treads and must match where your curve lies, the no. of skeleton must be equal to the no. of treads and be sure that it is exactly where you will bound the treads. then i made an ik spline using the curve and the joints that was made, make all ik creation options uncheck except the "root on curve", in the outliner select first the root and then cntrol select the last joint, control select the curve. rigid bind the treads to the skeleton, rename your ik TRACK.
make a locator rename it TRACKCONTROL, add an attribute and name it like as CONTROLLER,
this is the expression:
TRACK.offset = ( ceil (frame / -TRACKCONTROL.CONTROLLER )) - ( frame / -TRACKCONTROL.CONTROLLER );
this expression will loop the offset of the ik spline,
if you have 0 to 100 frames in your time slider and you want your track to revolve 4 times then, 100 / 4 = 25, 25 will be your no. to your CONTROLLER.
hope this helps
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determine our destiny.
Last edited by olivermagno; 10-06-2003 at 12:25 AM.