Okay, I just did a test render set up and so far, it rocks, what little time I spent on it. It was about a 30 second shot dolly shot revolving around a chair. Looked pretty neat IMHO. Now, during this render, I wanted to change the position of the camera in one of the frames to sort of give it a more hand held look. When I played it again in Playblast, the camera spun around and ended up all over the place. First question: how can I make adjustments after I've set keyframes?
Now, the question I have that I started this thread over is this. When you all are doing your short films, do you set up each shot and render a few seconds more than you need and do you render each shot like they do in the "real" movies - shot by shot - or do you do something else? :saywhat: I'm sure I just lost half of you all, as I always seem to do, but I was thinking..."Why would you render out a big movie at one time... why not do it in snippets?" Okay... I think I just answered my own question. Gotta split... the woman is nudging me to and signaking me for bed... so off I must go. :p