I've been trying to model a human head or a whole human character for some time now, but every single ime I started a project like this I simply failed.
I did not find a tutorial I was able to follow, I guess I am just too stupid for it...

As you can see on my little collection of renderings I've already done here https://markus1986.tripod.com/index.htm I am familiar with all the maya basics I guess, although I might need a bit futher help in Sub-Divs and the joint-set maybe, but my skills until now are just in non-organic modeling and I want to change that now

I've seen the head-tut in the VIP area and am thinking about purchasing it, but then still there would be missing the rest of the body..
So, is there a book out there that deals with modeling a human step by step for Maya4.5?
Best Regards and thanks in advance
