I set out for the first time to actually build a house.
Went for a medium sized thingy, as the involved administration and maintanance work is not too ovwerwhelming and still enough rent comes in (ah, btw - there are still two flats to let - anyone?)...

Anyway. It obviously comes with instanced (mirrored) geometry - I'll deceide later if I'll really go in and make it discrete with individual texture maps and details.
The main texture took off from the photo of a single window. I painted/cloned in the rest - the whole thing actually started as an exercise in texture making and then took on a life of his own (as it goes sometimes).
The remaining textures were taken from my collection and modified to meet my needs.
Some time was spent on the stain maps. At first it looked way too clean. Now I have to rethink if I should put in some more maintanance work, to keep the tenants from leaving...

Geometry is really pretty simple, I only extruded the windows and the door from the main walls.
Ok. Comments, anyone?
