Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 02-01-2004 , 01:59 PM
victstep's Avatar
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How to create atmosphere shader?


May anyone help me:

How to create photorealistic atmosphere shader for planet Earth.


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# 2 02-01-2004 , 05:15 PM
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One way you can do it is make another sphere that is just a bit bigger than the oringinal and add a cloud texture it then play with the transparentsy and cloud shape.

I'm sure once Rage or mike sees this they will have other ways about doing it at well.

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# 3 03-01-2004 , 01:53 AM
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Thanks Kurt.
But nobody else don’t want help me with this actually stupid question...

# 4 03-01-2004 , 04:55 AM
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Actually, if you check the other post here, you'll see some others, myself included, that already helped you.

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# 5 06-01-2004 , 07:03 PM
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Well, thanks again...

SamplerInfo.facingratio -> ramp.vCoord
ramp.OutColor -> lambert.transparency

Type: Vramp;
Interpolation: Linear
Color: blue

what wrong??? (I mean lines, not a color or transparency)

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# 6 06-01-2004 , 07:06 PM
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I am also try all ramp Interpolation's (exponential, smooth)
and also try to use ramp colors white and blue and lambert color black but...

what I do wrong???
Help me please!!!

This picture without atmosphere:

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# 7 06-01-2004 , 08:18 PM
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ha ha ha

Do you know what was that?
It was point ligh with fog!!!

Everything is OK, now just need to "play" with colors and other things.


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# 8 08-01-2004 , 03:53 PM
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Dude! Download my Earth shader!!! It's already done for you. And it doesnt use 3 spheres but a bunch of maps hung together on a layered shader.... no messing around with geometry! user added image

Click the link in my sig.

That'll do donkey... that'll do...
# 9 09-01-2004 , 10:38 PM
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Thanks Huxley

but whats wrong with my scene (excluding atmosphere and clouds)?

# 10 12-01-2004 , 07:37 PM
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Play with lights/ambient to make it look cool, as oposed to making it phisically acurate another problem is the specularity, you need to make a map: no specular on continents just a little bit on sea. also the atmosphere isnt specular turn to 0 all specular shading there
Also download a cool clouds map (for example from the bluemarble project)and add an extra sphere with the inverse of the color as the transparency and bump add another layer with procedurals if you wish.
Also the atmosphere is thicker near the ground... i havnt been able to make the damn volume shaders work properly but ragecgi maybe knows how to fake it in other way so now i think about it:
Rage how to fake the atmosphere going thicker towards the ground on the edges?

Last edited by dragonfx; 12-01-2004 at 08:15 PM.
# 11 13-01-2004 , 09:35 AM
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heh, why if i just turn on mental ray it works fine and if you render with mayas native it just wont display?
It would have saved me time back then when i was trying the earth scene(cmon, i dont think theres someone that hasnt tried it at least once)but why it wont work on scanline?

Heres a quick&dirty example of what i meant with the atmosphere going thiker near the ground(just a volume fog in a spherre)

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