I've been modelling this car for 3 days and I'm stuck after I do poly -> subd conversion (I'm a total newbie)
I followed almost the same precedure from https://deep.sitenest.net/tutorials/maya/car4/
pic 1. poly of my car. looks too square so decided to go for subd.

pic 2. wire frame.

So I converted to subd. And the result came out pretty bad.
pic 3. ugly fender.

Not only the fender isn't round but also look at that thing!
I figured out if I triangulate the fender, it becomes round but still, that thing doesn't dissapear.
pic 4. wire frame of the fender.

and another bad boy..
pic 5. head light.

I just want that part to be smooth.
pic 6. wire frame

so.... could somebody help me to flatten that thing?
Thank you for viewing this.

btw, I also tried polygon -> smooth option.. and didn't work out well. Anyone know the reason?