Digital humans the art of the digital double
Ever wanted to know how digital doubles are created in the movie industry? This course will give you an insight into how it's done.
# 1 01-03-2004 , 09:57 PM
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I wasnt sure if i would do this competition but i really like the rule set and design of it. And ive been planning on doing a scene like it for a while now i have a reasonuser added image

Sketches or something coming soon.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 2 09-03-2004 , 02:29 AM
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Im afriad due to a new job and a severe decrease in free time now. I wont be able to participate in this challenge. As now ive only been able to work on it for about an hour.

If some free time does open up or i manage to stableize and get order into my days i might be able to do something, but i doubt i will be able to put the time into it needed to fully realize the project. Hopefully for the next challenge.


AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 3 09-03-2004 , 12:35 PM
el_newty's Avatar
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That's pretty sad that you can't finish this competition, but...
Considering that the competition has a duration of 2 (two) month, I believe that you will manage to make something in this time.
Let say that you are busy one month; in second month you can make the project.
Be aware that texturing is not mandatory.
It’s up to you what you decide.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 4 09-03-2004 , 10:44 PM
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I decided ill get done as much as i can... but probably not much but here goes my Written Concept:

The town will be about Industrial like times. Alternate world, not the same timeline as us. They are invaded by a highly advanced militaristic/Dictatorship Race. They colonize the planet, while keeping the peasants as a worker/slave race.

There will be old buildings where the citizens live. Old style... wood,bricks so on. A few factories to produce alien goods for other colonies. Military supplies. So on.

There are factories. Older style and newer style built with the assistance of alien technology. Usually older style buildings with "Upgrades" That will be visually seen.

Last section are alien structures. Military buildings. And additions will be traditional Alien style advanced bubbly shiny smooth freaky alien dictatorship of doom stuff.

I plan on it being a very dirty society. The alien stuff shiny new. Everythign else grimy, dirty, misused and mistreated.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 5 09-03-2004 , 11:37 PM
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Ambitious concept :tup:. Hopefully you'll have time to get a good bit done.

# 6 10-03-2004 , 01:08 AM
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I made a Factory. A slave factory.

Attached Thumbnails

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 7 10-03-2004 , 01:36 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
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Looks cool. Seems very modern.

# 8 10-03-2004 , 10:06 PM
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Well... i plan on it being a very very dirty society with high tech alien presence. Basiccaly i want most things to look new-ish. Like late 1800's to before 1950's. But make them look really worn down. Maybe even make some part of things completely broken like caved in buildings and so on.

Working on some sketches for the alien buildings. not sure the style i want.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 9 12-03-2004 , 11:19 AM
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well that building looked very good though. I'm inpresed.

# 10 13-03-2004 , 01:35 AM
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I didnt notice how poly heavy that little building is. So im going to go through and decrease the edges i need to. It looks okay, but its very sloppy modeling. Usually all my lines meat up. All my measurements are good. All quads lead seamlessly to other parts of the structure. This is very... slap things on till it looks cool. But it got good results and worked fast. I think the problem is all the cylinder.

My protopype alien building came out.... badly. So i will redo it. no "Ill redo it later if i have time" stuff i usually do. if i dont like it now. its scrapped.

Anyone have some good sites for concept buildings?

*time for google*

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 11 14-04-2004 , 05:30 AM
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Whered u go man? You die on us or what? Lets see some progress! user added image

- Hybrid
# 12 25-04-2004 , 05:20 PM
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Would.. but i have less than 2 hours a day now to have free time... and i cant model in such short amount of time. so... i guess im out.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
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