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# 1 05-06-2004 , 10:58 PM
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When two SM mods wield axes....

...six stringed axes, that is. user added image

It was early this morning when bleary-eyed , I switched on IRC and fixed my morning coffee. kbrown buzzed me and asked the question that started it all: Wanna check out a blues track I made the other day?

I liked it and asked him to send me the backing track so I did my own take on it which he liked. Before long, I was adding vocals (reaching deep into the southern rock roots...hehe) and Mr. Brown added new solos, comping together the whole thing like a musical Frankenstein. It turned out halfway decent for a quickly done project....something we had talked about doing for awhile now. Throughout it, we figured how to do things right for next time. But for now, hope you guys enjoy a couple of your friendly, neighborhood SM mods getting down with the blues:

Here's the rundown on who's doing what:

KB programmed the rhythm track (drums, bass, piano) and played rhythm gtr throughout...that's his solo gtr intro)

I'm doing all the singing, verse licks, slide and wah wah gtr work.

Verse 1
Solo 1 12-bars (me)
Verse 2
Solo 2 24 bars (kb)
Verse 3
solo 3 12bars (me...wahwah pedal fun)
solo 4 12bars (kb...whammy bar)
solo 5 ending (both of us)

Anyway, Hope you guys enjoy it. And yes, we know there were gtr tuning issues during some of it. user added image

"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."
# 2 05-06-2004 , 11:12 PM
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that's awesome!!! love it!!

like the bit at the end - like you are dualing - I assume it was planned but you both seem to soar and dive at the same time cool!!!!

I love listening to people whack off on the geetar


# 3 05-06-2004 , 11:14 PM
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hehe... was fun doing this user added image thanks for jamming with me nitro user added image

the end was meant to be a bit of a chaos and i think we succeeded :p

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# 4 06-06-2004 , 04:42 AM
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Kickass job guys! Im not a blues person at all, but this is awsome! user added image Any chance of seeing the tab for it (rythm and lead)?

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# 5 06-06-2004 , 06:46 AM
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lol, awesome stuff guys. user added image

# 6 06-06-2004 , 08:42 AM
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Originally posted by I-Iybrid
Any chance of seeing the tab for it (rythm and lead)?

lol I imagine not very likely..

I used to do tab for my guitar students and I guess they where both improvising over the track so the tab would take ages to write

# 7 06-06-2004 , 12:06 PM
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heh yeah, all improvising... couldn't even play exactly the same again... just learn the blues scale let the groove drive you :p

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# 8 06-06-2004 , 01:33 PM
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cool e-jamuser added image

writting it down would have its merit... but i believe theres a prize for whoever can accurately write down steve vai´s "alien water kiss"song.(i´ve seen some tries and are scary...user added image)

Last edited by dragonfx; 07-06-2004 at 04:57 PM.
# 9 07-06-2004 , 12:12 AM
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Yeah. it's all playing was a quick one take. I tried some others where I figured out exactly what i wanted to play as far as the slide gtr parts go, but then the solos weren't that great to me. Since we were just doing this as a quick thing, we didn't get so carried away. KB had to recut some of his solos because the guitar tone from his POD didn't quite match. I spent more time on the vocal parts and getting them to sound halfway decent....if anyone doesn't recognize the lyrics, they're more or less "Statesboro Blues" from the Allman Bros.

Tabbing the thanks. It's all just wanking around with typical blues and pentatonic minor riffs on my part. My background is more the 70's blues rock stuff but I did study a lot of Vai, Satriani, and Eric Johnson in the late 80's/early 90's...actually tabbed Vai's "Attitude Song" a looooong time ago. Theres a song he did (hard to find) called "western vacation" that I'd love to find the tab for (I think the now defunct magazine Guitar for the Practicing Musicians" had it in one of their back issues.

Anyway, glad to hear you guys enjoyed. KB and I had a blast doing it and will hopefully try something else in the future...maybe a different style this time so he can show of his metal chops...hahahaha. user added image

"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."
# 10 07-06-2004 , 01:53 AM
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You know, Pete... I'm still on the groove.... just came back from my friend's band doing a tribute to Black Sabbath... was just awesome to write off... We should come up with our own G3 user added image

Maybe G^3 user added image

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# 11 07-06-2004 , 12:09 PM
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speaking of g3 i just watched the live in denver
was it my speakers or is yngwie's guitar soo much softer then satch's and vai?
pretty sick gig though

Thanks for wasting your time reading this line.
# 12 09-06-2004 , 02:34 AM
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user added image haha Dude nice solo... I wish i cold go on like that. My solos consist of like 20 second bursts user added image Nice.

# 13 09-06-2004 , 06:40 AM
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dudes.... you rock! It's so cool that we are all maya lovers and suddenly guitar players at the same time givin' eachother inspiration.... hey maybe a ? user added image

enjoyed your guitarplay! listining to this I allmost grabed my guitar to play along user added image but when I came to the end of the song I guessed that 2 guitarplayers was enough user added image

# 14 10-06-2004 , 06:10 AM
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I've done various transcriptions of music for Clarinet and Saxaphone, (Thats what i play. Sax kinda sorta, and the Clarinet realy good) I know. Im a totaly different type of 'band geek' than you guys. But i do love them blues. Jazz is better though.

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# 15 10-06-2004 , 01:33 PM
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Why even say one is better than the other? Both are valid artforms.

"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."
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