Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 20-10-2005 , 09:29 PM
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How do I attach polygone Faces?

I am trying to make a assult riffle and I need to attach some of the faces how do I do that?

# 2 20-10-2005 , 09:45 PM
antiant's Avatar
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I guess you have made too seperate objects right? and you now want them to become one.
If this is the case, you need to click on one object, then shift click on the next.
The go to poly combine.
Now when you click on them, they act as one object. But even though its done this, it doesnt mean the verticies are welded. So thats what you have to do next if your going to smooth the object.
Right click on the object, and slelect vertex from the menu. Then select all verticies. Then go to Poly, merge verticies option box. Make sure the setting is around 0.001, or the lowest number you go. If your setting are to high you will end up will all your verticies mergeing.
So now click apply, and that should be it.. All joined and all merged :-)
Hope thats answers your question.. lol, if not i got good typeing practice anyhow..


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# 3 21-10-2005 , 04:55 PM
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No it is not 2 polygons it is 1. I just extroded 1 to another to fourm a weapon shape.

# 4 01-11-2005 , 06:52 PM
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you should be able to just combine the vertices, within the distance perameters specified.

A word of warning, though. Depending on the order and direction (and type) of your extrusions, you could be looking at a nasty set of non-manifold geometry. This could play havok on later work with the object.

# 5 07-11-2005 , 09:02 AM
mhcannon's Avatar
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you might also have to delete a some faces to create mergable edges.

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