Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 23-11-2005 , 05:38 PM
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My first piece of character animation on Maya


This is my first post on simplymaya. Have only been using Maya for the last few weeks (used to use Carrara and RayDream) and have got a short piece of animation done now with the SM walk cycle tutorial kid.

I'm new to animating in Maya and there's still something that doesn't feel quite right about this animation of mine so if anyone has any ideas that would be grrreat!

Cheers everyone


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# 2 24-11-2005 , 05:18 AM
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Not too shabby for a first try! There are a few moments where the character looks natural.

The first and most important thing is to pose your character. It looks to me like you animated "straight ahead", and it seems you wanted to get everything in all at once. The end result is that it looks a bit weak in places. You need to proceed in passes. What you have is an acceptable first pass, but I think the key poses can be stronger. Strong key poses will add things like weight and life to the character.

Each pose should say something. I'm not sure what kind of background you have in animation, but I've been in traditional animation for fifteen years, and what applies to traditional drawn animation applies almost doubly to everything one does in Maya. You're just using a different "pencil"!

Think of your character as a poseable action figure. Think of the four or five most important "key" positions the figure will assume during the course of the animation. In short, get one of the many good books on traditional animation, and study the classic cartoons (ie Bugs Bunny, Goofy, &c).

Other suggestions: your character's head is out of the spotlight, and the character is almost the same color as the background. It is a bit hard to read at times.

Nevertheless, you are off to an auspicious start! Keep up the good work!

Carry on...

"Ad astra per aspera..."

Last edited by Lt Jim; 24-11-2005 at 05:20 AM.
# 3 24-11-2005 , 12:25 PM
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yeep...try blocking!

Seruisly, I think you've got potencial but you cant make a good animation without a lot of practiceing, studing motion, acting...

Its important now not to give up now but rather spend next 1000 hours trying to get that behavior wich you are looking for and learn some new.

You must learn the tehnique first then you can get to artistic level!

Good luck

# 4 24-11-2005 , 02:40 PM
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Wow thanks guys those were much better comments than I was expecting! Thanks for the tips! I'm trying a new bit of animation now with the same character as the last thing I posted ended up too cluttered to change.

I animated pose to pose until the end of his walk, then almost straight ahead for the rest. I was going to do the whole of this pose to pose then at some point couldn't resist the urge to try and refine it early on! Then when it came to editing I just messed things up I guess!

I have had about 5 years of doing CG animation (I'm only 21) have been trying out animating plasticine since I was 7 but this is my first almost successful try at a humanoid character!
I've animated a few short films but they have all centred around characters with hopping actions instead of walking.

I just bought the DVD by Jeff Lew which I'm working my way through now so I'll incorporate your tips and what I learn from this new DVD into my next post!

Many thanks again for the replies!

# 5 27-11-2005 , 08:01 PM
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Me again

Hi again!

Well this is my next bit of animation with random tutorial kid. Just a basic idea, character walks into a wall. This might just about be able to be called a first pass. I've been reading books and watching tutorials on character animation since my last post, the only problem is i'm having trouble applying it to anything that's not in the tutorials themselves. I've done my best to apply what you all said in your previous posts too :-)

So if anyone has a spare few moments to shed some light on what the next step for this shot would be I would be extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely grateful!

All the best


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# 6 27-11-2005 , 08:10 PM
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Wow, this one is so much better!!!! It looks realistic. I don't really like the walk cycle so much, but still, t looks pretty good so far. I have to comment about the arm-crossing part, his hands never reach where they are supposed to really go.

Cheers, user added image
,Matt user added image

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# 7 29-11-2005 , 05:36 PM
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2nd Pass

Thanks for the feedback!

Been working on the 2nd pass now, It looks fairly ok to me but I know it's not perfect so anyone with ideas on how to finish it off, be my guest and rip it to shreds! I want your criticisms people!:attn:

All the best


Last edited by sjtaylor84; 29-11-2005 at 05:39 PM.
# 8 29-11-2005 , 05:47 PM
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Here's the video

It didn't attach last time, no idea why, hope this works!

Looking forward to any feedback!


Simon :-)

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Last edited by sjtaylor84; 30-11-2005 at 11:16 PM.
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