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# 1 25-08-2006 , 09:15 PM
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Cinema Interior

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios
# 2 26-08-2006 , 05:27 AM
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Nice stuff.

A good cleanly rendered sequence. I particularly like the curtains as they move off to the side.

What's the web site about?

# 3 26-08-2006 , 05:53 AM
pbman's Avatar
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looks cool
only 1 crit the floor infront of the screen is too reflective for me
other than that its pretty good

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 4 26-08-2006 , 06:41 AM
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Thanks for the feedback guys user added image

The sequence will be added as an intro infront of a video showcase. The plan is when the website is all finished, you will click on the video page link and this intro will play out to reveal the thumbnail menu (well thats the plan atm).

The curtains were my 1st ever go at mayacloth. For me this was the hardest bit to get right & took the most time. Incase anyone is interested, i actually spoke to a seamstress to work out how much cloth is required to make the curtain folds look right. As it turned out, you need 2.5 times the required width in cloth. This is then folded back with transform constraints into the closed position. Here is a software rendered animation showing the cloth folding...
(about 600Kb - right click - save target as)

If anyone needs spacific instructions on how this was achieved, just ask...

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios
# 5 26-08-2006 , 12:47 PM
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it looks as if the glow in your animation flickers a little bit. did you turn off auto-exposure for the glow? that should correct the problem.

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# 6 29-08-2006 , 02:17 PM
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I like your work. How long have you been using Maya and what version are you on?

# 7 06-09-2006 , 10:58 AM
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ahaha great job.. i feel like doing one like yours now user added image

# 8 06-09-2006 , 01:53 PM
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Thanks for the replies everyone user added image

@Neostrider - I didn't even know about auto exposure for glow - lol. Thanks for the tip user added image

@chazr123 - I started using Maya in February. I'm currently using Maya 7 but think I may upgrade to 8 soon.

@marlonjohn - If you made you own version, I would love to see it!!

I am currently working on a video tutorial covering what I know of mayacloth (which isn't a great deal). Below is a playblast render of the outcome of the tutorial: (2.2Mb - right pick - save target as)

Although I have the curtain behaving itself, I'm having alot of trouble making a softbody rope to pull the curtain back. If anyone has any ideas that may help, please let me know. Once the tutorial is finished, It will be made available free to download.

In the mean time, here are a few quick renders of cinema interior...

Attached Thumbnails

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios
# 9 06-09-2006 , 01:55 PM
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- Henry Ford.

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Last edited by tiddles; 06-09-2006 at 01:58 PM.
# 10 06-09-2006 , 01:57 PM
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"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

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Last edited by tiddles; 06-09-2006 at 01:59 PM.
# 11 06-09-2006 , 01:59 PM
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last one...

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"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios
# 12 06-09-2006 , 04:56 PM
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Looks cool, did you put an effect on the camera to start with? Such as changing the focal length whilst its moving?

Just seems to have a mad effect as the camera moves up that focuses your attention on the screen (which I assume is your aim!!)

Nice one.

*edit - If your on maya 7 then theres really no need to upgrade unless you have the cash to spare

# 13 06-09-2006 , 07:45 PM
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Thats pretty cool. Maybe you could may the lights dim as the curtains are opening, or as youre getting closer to the screen?

# 14 06-09-2006 , 10:04 PM
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@gster123 - You have a good eye my friend! Thats exactly what I did. Although the result directs focus toward the screen, the real reason I adjusted the focal length was because of the ceiling height at the back of the room. I modeled the scene from screen to back wall & kinda ran outa head height to fit camera at start of sequence so I couldn't really see much of the seats etc. Pulling the focal length back revealed a little more & I liked how that looked when cam tilted up towards screen.

@ajj241 - Mate, thats so simply it's brilliant! Wish I thought of that. I may re-do and see how it looks :bow:

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

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# 15 07-09-2006 , 08:01 PM
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"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

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